Enrolment options
Grade 7 Intro to the World of Drones & Robots
Topics covered in this grade:
- [Drones] Physics of Flying
- [Drones] Types of Drone Frames
- [Drones] Drone Movements & Control
- [Drones] Power Source and Sensors on Drones
- [Drones] Sensors on Drones 2
- [3D] Introduction to 3D Printing & CAD
- [3D] Introduction to FreeCAD
- [3D] Project - Frying Pan
- [3D] Project - Pipe 3D Model, Birthday Cone
- [3D] Project - Pull Handle - Using Sweep
- [3D] Project - Introduction to Part Tools, Project - Coffee Mug
- [3D] Capstone Project - Designing a Ship
- [Robotics] Introduciton to Robots & Robotics
- [Robotics] Components of a Robot
- [Robotics] Algorithm & Flowchart
- [Robotics] Programming RGB LED and Buzzer
- [Robotics] Programming Motors and Light Sensor
- [Robotics] Programming Ultrasonic Sensor
- [Robotics] Programming Line Follower Sensor
- [Robotics] Advanced Programming - LED, Onboard Button and Timer
For queries:
- Call: 9742 306 333 or 9916 487 076
- Email: susan@modo.one or rinita@modo.one
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